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Paul van Schaik

Bijgewerkt op: 29 nov 2022

The deep thinker Friedrich Nietzsche once attracted worldwide attention with his statement: God is dead. Unfortunately, we will never know if he was right. How would you even check such a statement? No one has his number, and if it were known, it could be that God is still alive, but his mobile phone is off. Or his credit has run out, he cannot call back.

From Dutch with Google translate

Yet the philosopher's provocation has occupied my mind for years. This also has to do with Nietzsche's reaction to the famous book by my namesake Paul. Or Paulus, as it says in my passport.

That Paul also had such a sharp pen. He wrote thirteen letters. Out of prison. They are included in the greatest bestseller in human history. I recently went through his texts again. It is a great pity that church does not understand them.

Paul chose personification. He gave the protagonist of his stories the most important characteristics of God. Like the weatherman depicts the properties of the weather.

He assumed that his readers would identify with the main character. That they would imitate him. The figure is wise, righteous, courages and meek. And he has hope, faith and love tattooed in his neck.

Paul drew his inspiration from an enlightenment experience. A shift in consciousness, as Eckhart Tolle would call it. He wished his fellow man the same joy. To be totally cool. Hence his manual for experiencing God.

The writer immediately managed to enthuse a large audience. And he inspired four more scribes whose narrations have been added to the book. They write from a different angle, which makes it all seem very authentic. It now seems as if the main character really existed.

If my great-great-grandpa hadn't been such a good storyteller, no one would have heard of Christopher.

Short and good. The hero experiences all kinds of adventures and then - stop reading here if you don't want to know the outcome of the spectacular story - people are fed up with his holy behavior and he is nailed to the cross.

If you read the biography so far, you have to agree with Nietzsche. True is true. God is dead. But. What's so fantastic about the story: He gets up again after three days and happily lives on. Now that's what the German thinker does not accept.

What does the writer want to convey with this wonderful ending? In any case, he clearly indicates the difference between body and mind. One perishes, the other remains. And with that distinction he explains something else. Everything of which you do not understand the cause in yourself, the invisible, or life itself, that is consciousness. That's God.

The rest, your thoughts, your conditioned behavior and everything, that's like a dream. You have to wake up from that state of mind.

That is why the main character rises from the grave. To continue his exciting adventures. So Paul is not concerned with Chris as a person, but with the behavioral template. That remains.

You and I can steph into the pattern any time. And everyone can relate to the feeling. It can best be described as: inner peace. For example, if you are between two thoughts. At such a moment you are pure consciousness. You also experience the state of Chris when you do exactly what you feel you need to do. Then all of a sudden everything goes by itself.

If you recognize this state of consciousness, then you are free. Because then you can choose to act right and feel Go(e)d at any time.

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